Under Milkwood - Davidnimmersatt

Download the song. With LMMS and Ardour Davidnimmersatt delivers dubstep, of course with some neat reverb.

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Free distribution services

So, you've made a cool song and want to share it with the world?
There are a lot of sites, like Soundcloud or Youtube, that let you share your music, but what if you want to put your music in some stores and make money off it?
If you are signed to a label it's easy, but if you are an independent artist (like me) you have to use aggregators, sites that send your music to the desired store. Now if you are a FLOSS musician, you probably are on a tight budget. So here are some services that will distribute your music for free.

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Doin' It Right (Umcaruje's Bootleg remix)

Download here. Umcaruje's Daft Punk Remix. Inspired by Daft Punk. Software: LMMS.

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